Thursday, November 25, 2010

30 Day Yoga & Meditation Challenge

Yoga just makes me feel good!  I am better prepared to face the day when I start it with yoga and meditation.  To this end I asked a good friend of mine to be my accountability partner in a 30 day challenge.  The plan is to practice at least ten minutes of yoga and to meditate for at least 10 minutes daily.  Our ultimate goal is to use this challenge as a spring board to increase our daily practice and increase our ability to face life's daily obstacles with a mind that is centered and armed to make proactive, positive choices.

Inhale, and God approaches you. Hold the inhalation, and God remains with you. Exhale, and you approach God. Hold the exhalation, and surrender to God. ~Krishnamacharya


10/24/10 done
10/25/10 done
10/26/10 done
10/27/10 done
10/28/10 done
10/29/10 done
10/30/10 done
10/31/10 done
11/01/10 done
11/02/10 done
11/03/10 done
11/04/10 done
11/05/10 done
11/06/10 done
11/07/10 done
11/08/10 done
11/09/10 done
11/10/10 done
11/11/10 done
11/12/10 done
11/13/10 done
11/14/10 done
11/15/10 done
11/16/10 done
11/17/10 done
11/18/10 done
11/19/10 done
11/20/10 done
11/21/10 done
11/22/10 done Feels great to have 30 consecutive days DONE! But I am gonna Keep It Movin'


  1. Good luck with your challenge! Yes, keep it moving! It takes 21 days to make or break a habit. I am a yoggie as well. I especially like bikram yoga. I also meditate everyday and it truly has changed my life!

  2. Wow! I am psyched that I got comments LOL Just figured this would be me posting to IDK... Anyway, luv Bikram yoga and I am a newbie runner, too! I was contemplating getting a bike this summer to crosstrain but never got around to it. When I read your blog it blew me away that we had so many interest in common. Thanks for the encouragement. Yes, I will keep it movin'
